Isotopic modeling is the most modern, safe and comprehensive tool to characterize active source rocks in the area. If the trend of thermal maturity depending on the depth of the basin is known, it is possible to infer a depth of source rock from isotope data.
The analysis is made from methane extractions (CH1) and if concentrations allow, ethane (CH2) samples from selected soil, which have previously demonstrated high concentrations of light hydrocarbons. The isotopic composition of these gases is primarily a function of the thermal maturity of the source rock.
The technology developed enables integrated studies for:
- Identify and calibrate active source rocks in the area.
- Recognize types of kerogen.
- Make maturity maps of source rocks.
- Generate age of generation maps of source rock.
- Estimate the gas/liquid ratio in the prospect, amount of gas formed (scf/ton) and formed amount of oil (bbl/ton).
- Indicate the depth of the kitchen, formation time/expulsion/migration.